Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Music from Brazil

The music of Brazil encompasses various regional music styles influenced by AfricanEuropean and Amerindian forms. After 500 years of history, Brazilian music developed some unique and original styles such as sambazouk-lambadalambadachorobossa novafrevoforrómaracatuMPBfunk cariocaRAPsertanejoBrazilian rockpagodeaxébrega, and others. Samba has become the best known form of Brazilian music worldwide, especially because of the country's carnival, although bossa nova, which had Antônio Carlos Jobim as one of its most acclaimed composers and performers, have received much attention abroad since the 1950s, when the song "Desafinado", interpreted by João Gilberto, was first released. Instrumental music is also largely practiced in Brazil, with styles ranging from classical to popular and jazzinfluenced forms, featuring composers like Heitor Villa-LobosPixinguinha and Hermeto Pascoal. The country also has a growing community of modern/experimental composition, including electroacoustic music.

From Wikipedia

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